I found these great socks with the recycling symbol all over them. The monkey's head is small, because the top of the sock was not very long. I added small plastic eyes and used a chain stitch to make the mouth and nose. I think he is super cute. My toddler had the greatest reaction when receiving him last night. He has been carrying this monkey and his pig around with him everywhere.
This bag was made from a pair of khaki pants that my older son out grew. They have been washed, but still have stains around the knees. One knee had a hole in it, which I stitched together for the bag. I am getting 2 bags from this one pair of pants. The 2nd bag is being made from the top of the pants. For this bag I cut off the pants legs just above the cargo pockets. I then opened them up on one side and sewed the 2 legs together to form a new looped piece of fabric. I then cut some fabric for the lining and sewed it to the inside of the pants fabric. The legs were too long for a bag, so I pulled the bottom of the pants inside of the loop and made inside pockets as a result. I sewed the bottom closed. Then I hand stitched 2 sides of the inside pockets so that they were 2 separate pockets. I then added a snap to keep them closed. I cut out some more fabric and used it to attach the handles. I decided not to make any kind of closure on the bag, because I want to use it to carry around my knitting or other traveling crafts. I love the cargo pockets on the outside. I am currently using one of them to hold my small scissors in. This project has been on the back burner for some time now. I finally got inspired to make something out of these pants.
I love the monkey!!!