Monday, May 18, 2009
Patriotic Plastic Bag Wreath & Recycling Champion
I made this from start to finish today. I bought a wire wreath frame, but you can used recycled material cut into a wreath form. This is a medium size frame. All the plastic bags need to be about the same size in length. The handles and bottom seem need to be cut, then you tie the bag in a knot around the wreath frame. You bunch them together, and then fluff them. The blue bags are newspaper bags. I tied them on first so that I could have them evenly spaced around the wreath. Then I tied on the white bags. One hundred and twenty bags were used to make this wreath. The bow was $1 from The Dollar Tree. I used a twist tie that I had saved from a bread bag to hang it. Some places have red bags, but I did not have enough of them saved to add to this wreath.
You can see a picture of my Christmas plastic bag wreath on my blog as well. Another plastic bag wreath idea is a Halloween one made from gray and/or black bags.
I was also named Chelmsford's recycling champion for the month of May this year. Here is the link to the article.
the land fill is thanking you right now!! way to go!